Saturday, March 24, 2007


I do believe that it is not a good idea to go on a bar crawl with all your best friends the night before you have to work 8+ hours. Not a good idea at all. Although I might be a little hungover and have found stamp markings in places I don't recall being stamped, it was surely a good night!!!

I actually ran into my "almost" boyfriend's roommate. He told me that Mike (new) really likes me! Yay! I guess he talks about me when I'm not there, and it's good things -- Not bad. That's always positive to hear. I had fun with all of Chris' friends last night after all my friends disappeared. We all got drunk and danced and had some fun. We all went to Taco Bell and it was crazy packed. I waited like 45 minutes for my food. I was not a happy girl... When you are wasted, tired, and hungry... It's not a good combination. I do believe I also saw Mike (old) at Uptown but I ignored him the whole time. I could NOT let my boy's roommate see me flirting with another guy -- I had to be on my best behavior because he would tell on me in a heart beat if it looked like I would hurt the poor kid.

I miss him, actually... We got in a pretty big fight on Wednesday because he was mad that I "wasn't paying enough attention" to him at the bar. I thought it was pretty childish and woman of him and when I told him that (hey, I was drunk), he wasn't too happy with me. We still haven't actually sat downt o talk about what we are or about Wednesday night... He's in Indiana this weekend for National Guard so I guess we'll just have to wait until Sunday to talk about things... I'm not really sure how I'm going to bring it up or what I'm going to say, but I believe I need to tell him about old Mike. Not everything, just that I'm just ending this complicated relationship and I'm really stuck in the middle of a rock and a hard place.

We'll see what happens.

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