Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Working Girl

You'd think that after being shown something once, that your boss would assume that you would be able to successfully complete that said task at a later date.

However, this is not the case. Yes, boss, I know how to slice tomatoes, ham, onions, etc. etc. You show me every day as if I've never worked there. In case you forgot, I've worked there for three months and slice daily. Get off my case. Thanks.

Also, I hate slicing onions -- Please make me stop doing it. Thanks.

And another thing -- Go home, boss, you make work 100 times more difficult when we are busy and you are there. We aren't 10, we know how to run a business efficiently and in a timely manner. The only time we get behind is when you are breathing down our necks and making us stop what we're doing every five minutes because you feel as though it's necessary to show us the "proper" way to make a sub. We've all worked there 3+ months. We aren't stupid.

One last thing -- If I have to hear you explain how none of us have good work ethic and how we're going to fail in life, I'll probably throw bread at your face. Oh, and before I forget, please have your son stop calling me "retarded" because I put a sticker on a piece of bread vertically and not horizontally.

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