Monday, March 12, 2007

Back to Basics

Ah, it's now time to start the second half of Spring semester. This year has blown -- Completely. I don't want to be here anymore, and it's getting more and more difficult to make myself concentrate on actually doing well. I've dropped two classes this semester and I'm down to 9 credit hours; I also dropped a major (since I was double majoring). I don't know what's wrong with me this year, but I'd much rather be working right now and making money than attending class. I'm destined to be working at Hollywood Video for the rest of my life.

Something new, though... I've been really thinking about forcing myself to try and finish school and join the National Guard or the Army. Since I'm majoring in Geography and I want to make maps, I thought joining the military would be the smartest route to go, but we'll see. I'm still so unsure of everything in my life right now.

This weekend proved pretty interesting. Sara is finally back and we had our own little fun. On Saturday night Jeff, Matt, and I partied it up with some good friends. It was a lot of fun... I forgot how much fun that "group" was to party with. They continually crack me up.

I work here in 20 minutes and I'm really not wanting to go in. I usually go into work at 11AM, but for whatever reason I'm scheduled for 9AM. That's pretty lame and I have a feeling I'm going to be slicing meats and shit all night. Lame. And, to top off the "lameness" factor... I work with the bosses.

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