Wednesday, April 4, 2007

It's a Sexy Time

Ah, so it finally "happened" with Tim and I. And it was good. It could be better, I'm sure, but it was good. I'm happy with him and it really looks like this is going to go somewhere. Yay for me finally finding a good guy. Him and I are going to a Storm game on Friday and I'm pretty excited because I've never been to a hockey game... He said that I have booze, fights, and hot dogs to look forward to. You just can't go wrong with that combination!

Sara's birthday is this upcoming Tuesday and Dave and I are planning a surprise dinner for her. The whole works -- fancy wine, pasta, cake, great friends. She turns 22 and we're going to top her 21st with a nice dinner and a crazy night at the bars. I can't wait! I think Dave (her boyfriend and my big brother) and I are also going in together to get her a day spa package since she has had a rough semester and has been stressed out lately. There's nothing better than getting pampered on your birthday!

I really have nothing substantial to post about... I think I've decided that rather than taking a semester off I might take one or two classes in the fall. I'd like to make up a lab I failed last fall and I'd like to finish my latin requirement before I graduate. We'll see though, it's all up in the air. I just know that I don't want another year like this one. I've pretty much just thrown a couple thousand down the drain and I feel completely disappointed in myself. Regardless, I learned and I grew and I'm ready to take the steps to fix what I messed up. I just hope it all works out for me in the long run. Wish me luck!

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