Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Being an atheist for almost 10 years has subjected me to numerous debates, plenty of family arguments, frustration towards those of you who may not be open-minded, and a much clearer view of the world around me. Not being governed by a "higher" power has allowed me to be governed by myself and my actions. I lead my life for me and things happen to me not because of fate, but because of the cause and effect I live. With that being said, I came across a blog today that, although may be inspiring and beneficial towards those of you who may be extremely religious and devout, but was highly insulting towards those of us who may question, are unsure, or just down right don't believe. It's pointless to start a religious war with myself on my own blog and single someone out that I don't even know, but it bothers me sometimes when people aren't open minded towards other peoples "beliefs." Whether those beliefs are of another religion or a belief in the nonexistence of a higher being. Regardless of the circumstances, it's insulting. It bothers me... No, it outright pisses me off when people subject me to feel like a lower being because of my lack of belief in a god. I would say that my biggest pet peeve is when people call me stupid, unaware of my surroundings, not old enough to comprehend something greater than myself, etc. etc. etc. I've known and believed in what I do since I was 13. And, much to my families disapproval, it isn't a phase.

I grew up in a fairly open household. My mother is Jewish and my father is a theist (meaning that he believes in one or more higher beings). We celebrated both Christian and Jewish holidays. I was never asked to have a Bat Mitzvah, and I was never pressured into one religion or another. Because of this (I believe, beneficial) household, I was able to conclude my own opinions. My parents may not have agreed with me, and may have thought that I was rebelling, but it was something I was serious about then and serious about now.

I suppose the point of this particular blog (besides ranting about my frustrations) is that I'm annoyed by people who aren't open-minded. I actually enjoy reading about various different religions, and take everything I've ever read, been taught, or debated about with an open-mind and I would expect others to show the same courtesy as I have bestowed upon them.

This is a great article about the debates of an existence of a god and someone who believes they can argue each point. For those of you who know little about Atheism, this would be a good article to read. Although it's essentially disproving the belief in a god, it shows legitimate reasons from Atheists as to why we think the way we do.

And, in a much more light-hearted end to this rant...


thephoenixnyc said...

Hi. I found you on Beth's site. I can feel and empathise with youir frustration. No one, religious or not should be made to feel less-than for their beliefs or lack their of.

That being said, many atheists are as rigig and closed minded as the most dogmatic and fundamentalist of the religious.

To completely dismiss the hundreds of beleif systems around the world and throughout history as the domain of the close-minded, weak and stupid is close minded.

It is quite an intellectual travesty to dismiss the inspriations for the Taj Mahal, The Pyramids and St. Peters as the work of weak minded fools.

Ragamuffin said...

I absolutely agree with you - everyone should have the right to believe - or cnoose not to believe - in whatever they want.

And, heck, no, you´re old enough to judge for yourself. After all, in the religious traditions I know (be it catholicism, be it protestants [protestantism? no, I guess you don´t say so], judaism) - there is some sort of initiation ritual at around the age 12-14 (confirmation for protestants and catholics, bar mitzvah) which seems to assume you´re old enough then to consciously assume religious bonds.

N.B.: Apparently, Google ads wants to save your soul, too. I couldn´t help laughing when seeing (and, just to make sure, clicking) the link to the following site advertised next to your blog:


Pretty funny! That´s the great thing about keyword advertising ;)