Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Birthday


Today is my best friend's 22nd birthday!! I'm excited for a fun night since it is also our buddy, Taylor's, 21st. I believe Sara and I are going over to Taylor's to see him for a couple hours and then we're off to the bars to relive her 21st and make it better than ever! I got Sara a GREAT gift, she is going to be so excited.

For Christmas I made Sara a Cleveland Browns blanket and for her birthday I got her tickets to the Cleveland Browns vs. Cincinnati Bengals game in Cleveland. Now, although this gift also benefits me since the Bengals are my home team, it is in Cleveland and I'm pretty sure I might get shot showing up in a Bengals jersey. Nonetheless, she is going to flip when she finds out what I got her!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tell the bday girl her adopted momma says HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!