Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Party Hard

Meet Kent.

Now, in Kent's defense -- He really is a good guy, and one of my dearest and oldest friends. However, why is it necessary to go bonkers after a night of drinking? Just because we drink together quite often does not entitle you to confess your love for me, Sara, Kara, and all the other female friends you have. It's rather annoying.

I'm blowing off steam here, and I'm being kind of bitchy, but I have a right. I have to deal with this drama every time we drink. It's annoying (repeat).

Last night, as usual, we all head to Quarters for some pool, booze, and silver strike. I was having quite a splendid time and I was pretty hammered by the end of the night. While we were at the bar everything was peachy. There was no weirdness, nothing. We get back to Sara's apartment (since I'm crashing here) and it's like a trigger went off and he kept asking to sleep with me on the futon. I kindly told him no (four times), and to sleep on the other futon. Well, apparently, he was having none of that and left.

I would have stopped him from drunk driving but the room was spinning and instead of running to the door to stop him I yelled, "oh shit," and ran to the bathroom on the other end of the apartment.

Why are boys just so weird?

Now, I'm huuuuungova' and off to walk to work in the magical four inches of snow that we go last night. Fuck you, Mother Nature. She's a bitch, ain't she? I better be working with some sweet people today because I don't think I can handle the bosses.

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